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Medication Safety in Pregnancy

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EUROmediCAT Members


Central Coordination & Statistics Centres



EUROmediCAT Coordinating Centre, Ulster University, Room BC-04-167, 2-24 York Street, Belfast, BT15 1AP


Prof Helen Dolk [email protected] 


Population Health Research Institute, St. George's University of London (SGUL), Cranmer Terrace UK SW17 0RE

Prof Joan Morris  [email protected]


Three types of partners:


Congenital Anomaly Registries contributing to central database

This document provides descriptions of congenital anomaly registries which contribute to the central database.


Healthcare Databases contributing to EUROmediCAT

This document provides descriptions of healthcare databases which contribute to EUROmediCAT. 


Congenital Anomaly Registries contributing to central database & Healthcare Databases 

Organisations that contribute both through congenital anomaly registries and healthcare databases are highlighted in green on the map and below. 

Congenital Anomaly Registries contributing to central database

Belgium, Antwerp

Provinciaal Instituut voor Hygiene, Kronenburgstraat 45, B-2000 Antwerp, Belgium 

Dr Elly Den Hond  [email protected]


Croatia, Zagreb

Children's Hospital Zagreb, Medical School University of Zagreb, Croatia

Dr. Ljubica Odak  [email protected] 


Denmark, Funen

Paediatric Department Hospital Lillebaelt, Kolding Sygehusvej 24, DK -6000 Kolding Denmark

Dr Ester Garne [email protected]


France, Auvergne

Centre d'Etude des Malformations Congénitales en Auvergne,
Service de génétique médicale, CHU Estaing, Clermont-Ferrand, France

Dr Isabelle Perthus [email protected] 


France, Brittany

University Hospital, Department of Neonatology, Rennes, France

Dr Florence Rouget  [email protected]


France, Ile de la Reunion

The reunion registry of congenital malformations REMACOR, Department of Public Health and research support, University Hospital of La Réunion, Saint Pierre, Reunion Island 

Léa Bruneau  l[email protected]


France, Paris

Inserm u1153 – CRESS, équipe OPPaLE, Maternité de Port-Royal, – 123 Boulevardde Port-Royal – 75014 Paris

Isabelle Monier - Registry Leader for remaPAR (Paris Registry of Congenital Malformatoins) 

[email protected]

Scientific Advisor Dr Babak Khoshnood [email protected]


Germany, Saxony-Anhalt

Fehlbildungsmonitoring Sachsen-Anhalt (Malformation Monitoring Centre Saxony-Anhalt), Otto-von-Guericke University, Leipziger Strasse, Haus 39, D-39120 Magdeburg, Germany

Dr. Anke Rissmann  [email protected]


Ireland, Cork & Kerry

Health Service Executive, Dept of Public Health, Floor 2, Block 8, St Finbarr's Hospital, Douglas Road, Cork, Ireland

Dr Mary O’Mahony  [email protected]



Malta Congenital Anomalies Registry, Directorate for Health Information and Research, G'mangia Hill, G'mangia, PTA 1313, Malta

Dr Miriam Gatt  [email protected]


Netherlands, North

University Medical Center Groningen, P O Box 30.001, 9700 RB Groningen, The Netherlands 

Dieuwke Broekstra [email protected]



Poznan University of Medical Science, Dept of Medical Genetics, Ul. Szpitalna 27/33, 60-572 Poznan, Poland

Prof Anna Latos Bielenska  [email protected]


Poland - Wielkopolska 

Poznan University of Medical Science, Dept of Medical Genetics, Ul. Szpitalna 27/33, 60-572 Poznan, Poland

Prof Anna Latos Bielenska [email protected]  


Switzerland, Vaud

Registry EUROCAT-Vaud, Department of Woman-Mother-Child, Maternite, CH-1011 Lausanne, Switzerland

Joanna Sichitiu [email protected]



OMNI-Net Ukraine Birth Defects Program, 36, 16 Lypnya Str. Room 709, Rivne 33028, Ukraine

Dr Natalya Zymak-Zakutnya  [email protected]


Health Care Databases


Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL), Mannerheimintie 166, Helsinki, FI-00271

Mika Gissler (Medical Birth Register) [email protected] 


France, Toulouse

EFEMERIS, Department of Medical Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine, Université Paul Sabatier Toulouse, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Toulouse, INSERM CERPOP 

Dr Christine Damase-Michel  [email protected]



PharmacoEpidemiology and Drug Safety Research Group, University of Oslo, Postboks 1068 Blindern 0316

Prof Hedvig Marie Egeland Nordeng  [email protected]



Institution of Clinical Sciences, Dep of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Lund, Biskopsgatan 9, 223 63 Lund and Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare, Stockholm

Prof Karin Källén [email protected]



University of Bath, Claverton Down, Bath, UK, BA2 7AY

Dr Rachel Charlton  [email protected] 




Congenital Anomaly contributing to central database & Healthcare Databases

Italy, Emilia Romagna

Registro IMER - IMER Registry  (Emila Romagna Registry of Birth Defects), Center for Clinical and Epidemiological Research, University of Ferrara, Azienda Ospedaliero - Universitaria di Ferrara , Corso Giovecca 203, 44121 Ferrara (Italy)

Ms Amanda Neville  [email protected]


Italy, Tuscany

Congenital Defects Registry of Tuscany, Epidemiologia delle Malattie Rare e delle Anomalie Congenite (Epidemiology of Rare Diseases and Congenital Anomalies)Istituto Fisiologia Clinica CNR/Fondazione Toscana "G. Monasterio", Via Moruzzi 1 56124 Pisa, Italy

Anna Pierini [email protected] 


Spain, Valencian Region

Fundación para el Fomento de la Investigación Sanitaria y Biomédica de la Comunitat Valenciana (Fisabio), Av. Cataluña 21, 46020 Valencia, Spain

Dr Clara Cavero Carbonell  [email protected] 



Congenital Anomaly Register & Info Service, Level 3 West Wing, Singleton Hospital, Sketty Lane, Swansea, Wales, UK, SA2 8QA

Mr David Tucker  [email protected]


Swansea University, Singleton Abbey, Singleton Park Campus, Sketty, Swansea, Wales, UK, SA2 8PP

Dr Sue Jordan  [email protected]



Partner Affiliations 





Maria Loane

Institute of Nursing and Health Research, Ulster University, Belfast, UK


Helen Dolk

School of Medicine, Ulster University, Belfast, UK


Mika Gissler

THL Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare, Department of Knowledge Brokers


Joan Morris

Population Health Research Institute, 

St George’s, University of London, London, UK


Amanda J Neville 

IMER Registry, Centre for epidemiology and clinical research, University of Ferrara and Azienda ospedaliera e universitaria di Ferrara 


Clara Cavero Carbonell

Rare Diseases Research Unit, Foundation for the Promotion of the Research in Healthcare and Biomedicine, Valencia, Spain.


Dieuwke C Broekstra

Department of Genetics, University of Groningen, University Medical Center Groningen, Groningen, the Netherlands 0000-0002-7134-7007

Anna Latos-Bielenska

Chair and Department of Medical Genetics, Poznan University of Medical Sciences, Poznan, Poland


Alessio Coi

Unit of Epidemiology of Rare Diseases and Congenital Anomalies, Institute of Clinical Physiology - National Research Council, Pisa, Italy 0000-0002-9816-3144

David Tucker

CARIS, Public Health Knowledge and Research, Public Health Wales, Swansea, UK


Sue Jordan

Dept of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine, Health and Life Science, Swansea University 


Ljubica Odak

Children's Hospital Zagreb, Centre of Excellence for Reproductive and Regenerative Medicine, Medical School University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia


Anke Rissman

Malformation Monitoring Centre Saxony-Anhalt, Medical Faculty Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg, Leipziger Strasse 44, 39120 Magdeburg, Germany


Léa Bruneau

The reunion registry of congenital malformations REMACOR, Department of Public Health and research support, University Hospital of La Réunion, Saint Pierre, Reunion Island & National Institute of Health and Medical Rsearch INSERM Center for Clincical Investigation (CIC) 14 10 Clinical Epidemiology, Department of Public Health and research support, University Hospital of La Réunion, Saint Denis, Reunion Island    


Hedvig Nordeng

Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety Group, Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway 


Christine Damase-Michel

 Pharmacologie, Faculté de Médecine, Université Toulouse III,

Centre Hospitalier Universitaire,

INSERM, Center for Epidemiology and Research in POPulation health (CERPOP),
Toulouse, FRANCE


Elly Den Hond

Provincial Institute of Hygiene (PIH), Antwerp, Belgium


Joanna Sichitiu

Department of Woman-Mother-Child
Lausanne University Hospital (CHUV)
Lausanne , Switzerland


Rachel Charlton

Department of Pharmacy and Pharmacology

University of Bath, Bath, UK


Ester Garne

Department of Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, Lillebaelt Hospital, University Hospital of Southern Denmark, Kolding, Denmark


Babak Khoshnood

Centre de Recherche Epidémiologie et Statistique - Inserm, Université de Paris, UMR 1153

DHU Risques et Grossesse

Maternité Port-Royal


Anna Latos-Bielenska

Chair and Department of Medical Genetics, Poznan University of Medical Sciences, Poznan, Poland  


Miriam Gatt

Directorate for Health Information and Research, Ministry for Health, Malta


Florence Rouget

Brittany Registry of congenital anomalies, CHU Rennes, Univ Rennes, Inserm, EHESP, Irset (Institut de recherche en santé, environnement et travail) - UMR_S 1085, F-35000 Rennes, France



Mary T O’Mahony

Department of Public Health, Health Service Executive – South, St Finbarr’s Hospital, Douglas Road, Cork, Ireland


Henar Sampedro Garcia

Department of Health of the Basque Government, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain


Karin Kallen

Institution of Clinical Sciences, Dep of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Lund


Natalya Zymak-Zakutnya

 OMNI-Net Ukraine Birth Defects Program
